Our extensive data set of over 706 million contacts equips your sales team with valuable, actionable insights.
706 Million Global Contacts
225 Million North American Contacts
86 Million South American Contacts
183 Million Professional Email Addresses
91 Million Personal Email Addresses
23 Million Cell Phone Numbers
54 Million Companies
Say goodbye to static databases—our data is continuously updated in real time.
Access direct dial phone numbers, email addresses, and over 706 million up-to-date, accurate B2B contact records. Get detailed insights into job responsibilities, accomplishments, work experience, education, online mentions, and links to social media profiles. Want to know who your prospect's boss or co-workers are? Our comprehensive data set provides those answers and more, right at your fingertips.
Included with B2BVibe is our B2B Vibe Employee Identifier. This tool provides you with detailed information about the companies and their key contacts who are actively engaging with your website. Unlike our WebVibeID, which focuses on identifying individuals, B2BVibeID identifies both the company and the specific employees viewing your site. B2BVibe is specifically tailored for businesses operating in the B2B (Business to Business) space.
Have you considered that, on average, 98% of your website visitors remain anonymous? Break through that anonymity with Lead Genius B2BVibe ID! This powerful tool allows you to identify not just the companies, but also the employees actively browsing your site, even if they are working remotely.
B2BVibe ID works seamlessly with our B2B Vibe contact database to deliver two key advantages:
1. Identify hot leads: Instantly know which companies are visiting your website so you can follow up directly with the right contacts, maximizing your opportunity to convert interested visitors into customers.
2. Enhance your outreach: When prospecting, you’ll know whether it's the sales or marketing team running a campaign. With insights on which contacts in the B2B Vibe contact database visited your website and what pages they viewed, you can craft tailored messages that resonate with their interests.
Transform your website traffic into identifiable leads with Lead Genius. Uncover visitor names, access enriched contact and company data, and gain insights into what they viewed and how long they engaged. Lead Genius B2BVibe ID turns anonymous interactions into valuable connections, giving you a full view of your website's engagement.
Our system goes beyond offering just the company details of site visitors; it provides the individual contact data of the person browsing your site. Given the evolving landscape of remote work, it's crucial to adapt and recognize those working from home. That's where B2BVibe ID from Lead Genius excels!
Reach out faster with...
Contact Data
Job Functions
Skill Set
Company Firmographics
Empower your team to prioritize high-value prospects with the comprehensive data offered by B2BVibe, by LeadGeniusAI. By receiving real-time contact details and visitor breakdowns, your team can efficiently curate tailored strategies based on specific industries, activity, company size, and more. This data also facilitates swift lead scoring, enabling your team to identify and focus on the most promising opportunities
The advantages of employing B2BVibe ID extend beyond merely discovering the name of the individual or remote worker browsing your website.
Direct Marketing
Call Lists
Drip Email Campaigns
Salespeople tracking leads
Send Out Coupons
Create custom marketing plans such as banners or display advertisements
Schedule a demo with one of our Product Specialists to learn how using B2BVibe ID can increase your leads, simplify your marketing, and get more customers!
One last thing! Check out B2BVibe ID+, the ultimate solution for real-time sales intelligence with 'Buyer Intent Data'! i.e. We deliver actual companies looking for your products and services to you daily!
Take a minute and learn about our add on feature B2BVibe ID+. It is a very powerflul tool for any B2B sales team.